
Friday, January 22, 2016


Good morning my lovelies!!!! Thank God it's Friday, so I can rest my weary bones and catch up on my series. How did your week go?

Monday, January 18, 2016


Good afternoon my lovelies! Welcome to the new week.... How's Monday treating you? My Monday is terrible (thanks for asking).... So much accumulated work from my long weekend.....

So last week, after my last post, I dropped a question asking you guys to tell me a few lessons you've learnt over time; lessons you learnt late and probably wished you knew earlier. I also promised to get my lessons ready by my next post, which is today.... SO LEGGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2016


Hallos my lovely lovelies!!!! How was your weekend? I hope y’all had fun, went out and did all the owambe things o…. I spent the weekend in bed with my darling laptop and my assistant boyfriend, the notepad.

Friday, January 08, 2016


Happy new year my lovelies!
I hope it’s not too late to say that? Abeg it’s not!
Welcome to 2016, our year of divine favor, amazing results, establishments and all the goodies we’ve asked God for.
I like to say I’m not the “New Year; New Me” kinda girl, I’m more of the “resolution making” kinda girl (Esther! That sounds confusing though)
Okay, this is it! Every time I pen a to-do list and make so much fuss about it, I end up not seeing it through. So I discovered a new way to myself accountable to me and somehow, my boss helped me develop it even though he’s unaware.
Every Monday morning, he mails me a list of things he wants done that week and on Friday evening, I’m to send a report containing the things I’ve done and the ones in progress. This means that for the report to satisfy him, at least 70% of the target must have been met.
Now, I started applying that to myself early November last year. I started by telling myself what I wanted to achieve or feel like at the end of the week, and then penned down a list of the processes I needed to take to get to that point. Of course, I fell off the wagon in December, cos that was prolly the most difficult month of my life but I pulled through.
So on the 1st of January, as I was scrolling through StyleVitae, I realized that I didn’t have any fashion or lifestyle goals….. Can you imagine? I immediately tore up my already prepared new year resolutions goals and processes, and included some lifestyle, fashion, food and health goals. Not every time career and spiritual life goals… sometimes, buying original Hermes bag is a goal. Abi what is the point of working and saving like an ant and have nothing to show for it?

You can guess what my new year resolutions are from the above can’t you?

There you have it my lovelies!!!! First of many posts to come in 2016.
Care to share some of your new year resolutions? I want to read them…. I really do.