Thursday, July 31, 2014


Good day lovelies!!! How's the week been? Thank the good Lord it's Friday already.
Before I tell you guys anything, I have to inform you all that I'm not an activist of whatsoever cause and I do not belong to any activism group either.

Friday, July 25, 2014


The Wives Revolt by J.P Clark was one if the compulsory literatures we had to read in Junior Secondary School ( happens when you have a Principal who's crazy about literature). I loved it anyway so I'm not complaining much. The women of Erhuwaren were unhappy when their husbands Okoro, Koko and Idama banned the domestication of goats and decided to walk away from their homes so their husbands would feel the brunt of their wrath. The funny part

Friday, July 18, 2014


Good morning my lovelies. How did your week go? Thank God the week is ending already.
The world we live in now is way different from the world our grandparents and some of our parents lived in. The world where daily news of bomb explosions, kidnappings, natural disasters, airplanes crashing and all the rest

Friday, July 11, 2014


"With reference to last week's post, i wish to inform you that Half of a Yellow Sun has been approved for viewing in Nigeria!!! This was announced on friday evening after my post was in. So rejoice and begin to save for your movie tickets and popcorn."
I can imagine the look on my father's face when he sees this title, then he'd say,

Friday, July 04, 2014

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